Category: Non-fiction / self-help

Zombies: 4.5 out of 5


Comments: Yeah, I know, another book about death. But this isn’t specifically about death, but rather about the actual process of ageing and dying itself. To put it simply, it’s like being thrown into an ocean of ice cold water; you know what is coming, you know the water is cold, but it is nothing close to what you actually expected. The way he describes ageing and everything that one goes through at that point in life, made me question so many things. I would say it is definitely a book that should be read, regardless of whether or not you are connected to the medical field. It makes you question about a lot of things, it makes you realise how the world is changing and how important it is to do things differently in order to accomodate those changes, and most importantly, how crucial it is to live your life to the maximum possible potential before you’re taken over by the natural process of ageing. It enlightens you, confuses you, it just makes you feel everything and nothing at the same time. 




Atul Gawande examines his experiences as a surgeon, as he confronts the realities of ageing and dying in his patients and in his family, as well as the limits of what he can do. He emerges with a story that crosses the globe and history, exploring questions that range from the curious to the profound.

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